Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Digital Native vs Geek: Who's who? Good chat with Roberto Bustamante thereon…

Wednesday, September 28th, 2011

Digital Native vs Geek: Who's who? Good chat with Roberto Bustamante thereon in TVPerú. More interestingly, the final reflections on the rural world…

Reshared post from +Maite Vizcarra

¿Geek vs Nativo Digital: ¿Quién es quién? Buena charla con Roberto Bustamante al respecto en TVPerú. Más interesante, las reflexiones finales sobre el mundo rural 🙂
Geeks vs Nativos Digitales: ¿Quién es quién?

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Metahaven interviewed by Markus Miessen on dutch culture cuts

Tuesday, September 27th, 2011

Reshared post from +dubravka sekulic

Metahaven interviewed by Markus Miessen on dutch culture cuts. Good reading!
'Afuture government should clearly formulate the necessity for the role of culture in the public sector. This necessity cannot be presented as a derivative of economic value (as liberals tend to do), or social cohesion (as social democrats tend to do).'

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I was just introduced to Ariella Azoulay's new book The Civil Contract of Photography….

Monday, September 26th, 2011

I was just introduced to Ariella Azoulay's new book The Civil Contract of Photography. Amazing. #dataispolitical. Thanks, Dubler.

Embedded Link

The Civil Contract of Photography – The MIT Press
An account of the power relations that sustain and make possible photographic meanings, with special attention to photographs of Palestinian noncitizens of Israel and women in Western societies.

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I just went down to check out the scene at the rally

Monday, September 26th, 2011

Reshared post from +Tim O’Reilly

I just went down to check out the scene at the rally. It was a bit of a disappointment, for a number of reasons. First, there were only a few hundred people there (one of the organizers told me they peaked out at around a thousand on the weekend). Second, the people who were there were the wrong people.

What do I mean by that? The attendees were mainly scruffily dressed young people, whose attire and approach was too easily dismissed by those in authority. The smirk on the face of the Fox News reporter who was interviewing various participants said it all. "These people are easy to dismiss."

I couldn't bear to see him goading these idealistic young people into making bombastic statements (the reporter is a tool of AIG was one comment I overheard), so I stepped over and asked if I could speak to him.

I told him that I run a company with about $100 million in revenue, and that it isn't just kids who think that Wall Street bankers got away with a crime. There are a set of people who constructed a set of financial products with intent to defraud. They took our country to the brink of ruin, then got off scott free, even with multi-million dollar bonuses. I'll be interested to see if Fox runs my comments anywhere.

It seems so odd to me that the Tea Party isn't out in force at this protest. It seems so odd that government largesse aimed at rich corporations seems to be OK with them, while government largesse aimed at the disadvantaged ought to be cut. I would have loved to see blue collar Americans out in force at this protest, not just college students.

(Personally, I'm all for a leaner approach to government that I've described with the geeky vision of "Government as a Platform." Spend strategically in order to catalyze society to do what needs to be done. Unfortunately, in this case that wasn't done.)

I highly recommend Matt Taibbi's Rolling Stone reporting on the financial crisis of 2008 , as well as these recent pieces: and They should make your blood boil.

It's not the American Spring yet, but it ought to be.

Here are some of my photos from the event:

In album OccupyWallStreet (29 photos)

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Monday, September 26th, 2011

Embedded Link

Chomsky speaks out in support of Wall Street protests | Reflections on a Revolution ROAR
Noam Chomsky, the leading academic and public intellectual, has issued a statement in support of the “courageous and honorable protests” on Wall Street.

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Incredibly down to earth visualization of the relationship between Data and Knowledge….

Friday, September 9th, 2011

Reshared post from +Frances Haugen

Incredibly down to earth visualization of the relationship between Data and Knowledge.

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Up late last night with +Joe Dahmen watching Claude Lelouch's high speed C'était…

Friday, September 9th, 2011

Up late last night with +Joe Dahmen watching Claude Lelouch's high speed C'était un Rendezvous after the CAG opening in Vancouver. I miss Paris.

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Friday, August 26th, 2011


Reshared post from +José Luis de Vicente

I'm Speaking at Ars Electronica about the Spanish Protest Movement. On a panel with Usman Haque and Joi Ito. Hope not to be the guy who sucked.

Embedded Link

» Sensing Place / Placing Sense – Symposium ORIGIN
origin. how it all begins. ARS ELECTRONICA 2011. Festival for Art, Technology and Society Linz, 31.8. – 6.9.2011. deutschenglish. Search: BLOG; WHAT IS ORIGIN? PROGRAM; LOCATIONS; VISITOR INFO; TICKET…

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Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

Density Design makes free web app for Sankey diagrams. #dataispolitical


Monday, July 18th, 2011

@noii, check out Markus Miessen’s The Archive as a Productive Space of Conflict for #dataispolitical.