Happy Day After Halloween!
Tuesday, November 1st, 2011Happy Day After Halloween!
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Happy Day After Halloween!
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Reshared post from +Ken Rutkowski
Spin lasers at 11.1 Gigahertz with potential for well over 100 gigahertz speed for the internet of tomorrow
Electrical engineers in Bochum have succeeded in developing a new concept for ultrafast semiconductor lasers. The researchers make clever use of the intrinsic angular momentum of electrons, called spin, to successfully break the previous speed barriers. The new spin lasers have the potential to achieve modulation frequencies of well above 100 GHz in future. This is a decisive step towards high-speed data transmission, e.g. for the Internet of tomorrow.By injecting spin-polarized electrons in semiconductor based microlasers, modulation speeds can be reached that are far superior to any conventional lasers
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Reshared post from +Jason Rockwood
"Storytelling" is not just Madison Avenue buzz. http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2011/10/darpa-science-propaganda/
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» Darpa Wants to Master the Science of Propaganda
Darpa is asking scientists to take narratives and make them quantitatively analyzable in a rigorous, transparent and repeatable fashion. The idea is to detect terrorists who have been indoctrinated by…
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Data visualisation: in defence of bad graphics http://t.co/uSQsPjTP via @guardian #dataispolitical
Reshared post from +Daniel Stoddart
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Think Occupy Wall St. is a phase? You don't get it – CNN.com
Douglas Rushkoff: Media derides the Wall Street protest at its peril. The net-driven movement is a preview of a new sustainable disussion on disconnect in U.S.
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Love it.
Reshared post from +Carlos Andrés Rocha
More here: http://www.bemmu.com/music/index.html
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Wall Street Protests: Continental and United Airlines pilots ‘fed up with their bosses’
Over 700 hundred activists, represented by the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) carriers, took their grievances to the streets as they protested for wages and benefits in light of a stalled merger b…
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