Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Tuesday, February 21st, 2012

Super Crunchers? Moneyball, anyone? #dataispolitical


Tuesday, February 21st, 2012

There is this constant tension between seeming professional and seeming authentic. @medialab @lessig #MLTalks #dataispolitical


Sunday, February 12th, 2012

Data Is Political.

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Radstats: The Books
We believe that statistics should be used to help change society for the better, not merely to describe the status quo

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Hi, Qubik!

Sunday, February 12th, 2012

Hi, Qubik!

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Qubik Design +44 (0)113 226 0839
Qubik Design – graphic design studio, Leeds UK

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Do I really have to learn Grasshopper? Doesn't look too bad.

Sunday, February 12th, 2012

Do I really have to learn Grasshopper? Doesn't look too bad.

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labs:pointsetreconstruction · McNeel Wiki
Download the latest build of the PointSetReconstruction plugin for Rhino4. The download includes the plugin, a toolbar which maps to all commands and an example 3dv file for the _Import3DVoronoiSoluti…

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Reminds me of Aranda/Lasch

Sunday, February 12th, 2012

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Dezeen » Modern Primitives by ArandaLasch
Dezeen is the world’s most influential online architecture and design magazine.

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Thinking about using 3D Voronoi today for an architectural project

Sunday, February 12th, 2012

Ooh, ooh, ooh!

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Ooh, ooh, ooh! 3D Voronoi! | W:Blut
I’m sorry, I got a bit excited. But I never thought I’d get this far: actual, geometrically correct 3D Voronoi subdivision. Following my shotgun approach to 3D

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Data for the Public Good

Sunday, February 12th, 2012

Reshared post from +Tim O’Reilly

Data for the Public Good

In the first of the public lectures at Code for America sponsored by EMC/Greenplum, +Michal Migurski talks about Stamen Design's work in visualization. Some key points:

Data Drives Demand. When Stamen launched, it made people aware that the data existed. It was there, but until they put visualization front and center, it might as well not have been.

Public Demand drives better data. Crimespotting led Oakland to improve their data publishing practices. The stability of the data and publishing on the web made it possible to have this data addressable with public links. There's an "official version", and that version is public, rather than hidden.

Facts = Public Memory. Michal makes the point that the financial crisis was partly a crisis of public knowledge. He points to an article by Hernando de Soto, The Destruction of Economic Facts:

Version Control Adds Dimension to Data. Part of what matters so much when open source, the web, and open data meet government is that practices that developers take for granted become part of the way the public gets access to data. Rather than static snapshots, there's a sense that you can expect to move through time with the data.

Moving on, +Eric Rodenbeck shows some fabulous visualizations of housing data. It's amazing to watch the organic growth of San Francisco (based on Trulia data) from the 1850s through the present, versus the almost stamped out growth of subdivisions in a Texas town (don't remember which one.)

Also a great visualization of rent vs buy – NYC is so overwhelmingly better to rent, just about the only city in the US where that's so.

He also gives us a lovely tour of a watercolor-style map visualization that Stamen is working on. (This is +Aaron Straup Cope's work – you can actually buy this as art on 20×200 – for example, http://www.20×

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The Destruction of Economic Facts – BusinessWeek
Renowned Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto argues that the financial crisis wasn't just about finance—it was about a staggering lack of knowledge.

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Lovely software

Friday, February 10th, 2012

Data is political.

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Spin-scan cloud camera film directed by Dr

Friday, February 10th, 2012

Verner E. Suomi.

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